Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Let me know if there...

... is some song you are wanting to hear. With a huge playlist, we probably have the song you are wanting to hear. You have to comment on here to let me know what your song is. Also, let me know if there is something you like or dislike about the show. One of the things I love about the show is being able to give things away on air and people love to win stuff. If you are a business and you want to give something away on air, especially if you are an customer of ours, just let me know. Maybe once a month you give away a membership to your business, free meal, discount on products, t-shirts, hats, key chains, or a special gift from your gift shop. Whatever you want to give away, just contact me and let me know what you are talking about by email: and we will talk about it. You might be a body shop, car dealer, restuarant, car wash, computer company, sporting goods, or even a babysitter. Just contact me and we will come up with something great to do each day, week, month or year. Let's make 2011 a FUN and a FUN 101.1 year.

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