Monday, January 10, 2011

ESPN, how are you going to apologize?

You made fool out of yourselves when you absolutely wrote off the Seahawks and talked all week about how great the Saints are and how they were going to win.You talked about how they are using this Saturday game as a practice. You gave the Seahawks no chance to win and the Saints were terrible. You talked about how Drew Brees would carve them up and it would not even be a game and instead they got blown away. They tried to come back after getting ripped apart, but you never gave the Seahawks a chance. I hope you learned a lesson by not giving teams the respect they deserve for being in the playoffs.

You do the same thing with the Atlanta Falcons and you guys are suppose to the experts in football and every other sport. You should buy a lot of ketchup to go with all the crow you will be eating. Just remember, this is the way so many people get their sports information and they take to heart what your announcers say. So much for ESPN being the best place to get your sporting news. Wonder how much you just cost the people in Vegas. Wonder how happy they are after watching your broadcast and I am sure they were using some of your information when they set the odds for this game. How happy are all these guys with ESPN.

Maybe before you give a victory to a team somewhere, you should leave the option that the other team might win. You have been wrong in so many bowl games this year and your announcers have not seen how there is so many teams evenly matched and in today's times anybody can beat anybody. You have made so many bad decisions as a sports program professionals when it comes to leading people in the right choices in thing dealing with sports. Like when someone is in the running for a special award you guys push the hell out of it to get the people to go the way you choose. Example, a couple of years ago when the ESPN announcers talk at the end of the season on how LSU should jump the other teams out there and play in the national championship and that is all you heard on ESPN every time you turned it on until the voters did what you said, and that was wrong as well.

I hope people start to understand how stupid it is for an organization to praise someone right out of prison as possibly the NFL MVP when he has not earned that. He is a convict but with the praise ESPN has giving him this year versus all of the other great players in the league, you are teaching the kids today that it is ok to be a convict and then get out and join the NFL who has no standards at all, and you will be put on a pedestal like you are great and ESPN will praise you as a hero even if you prove how you can only play a decent game not a great game. He too has been shut down and is gone this year and let me be the one to tell you, you only talk about Tom Brady as the best player in the NFL and you will be in for a surprise for that pick too, you will see.

Learn to be the pros you are suppose to be and stop only talking about one or two players out of the hundreds who play the game because you show how one sided you are and as soon as ESPN likes someone , every single broadcast and even radio show talks about how great the one or two players are that ESPN is behind. Another thing that made ESPN so good was no matter where a college team was in the rankings, you could watch ESPN and see some highlights about your favorite teams. Now it they are not in the top 25 teams you will not hear about them or see any highlights from them playing and there is a hell of a lot more teams than the top 25.

ESPN think about what you are doing in sports because you are loosing viewers everyday to FOX and other shows because they are not bias and they give real breakdowns and highlights of a lot of games. Get back to being the sports leader instead of a cheer leading squad for one or two teams all year. Fox sports gives more highlights and better coverage than the ESPN sports leader who only is concerned with bringing in announcers who played college or pro football and could not make it anywhere else in the real world so they all work on ESPN because most never went back to college and graduated. You are not as smart in sports as you think. Your crow would be better when you cook it on the grill.

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