Monday, January 31, 2011

Government Waste, Run your Government like a business...

... instead of like a monopoly or dictatorship. Every part of the government from the Federal down to the city government has a budget and they make sure to spend every dollar on the budget so they can show how they need to keep their budget for the next year the same or more than last year. If the have an excess at the end of the fiscal year, they go out and spend every dime so they can show why they need the same or more next year.
How can we allow it to happen and we wonder why it keeps increasing year after year. For instance if a certain branch of the FAA has a surplus, they write grants and send checks to small airports so they can show deficit to the people and the government. They will get the money back after they have closed out the year since the money does not have an alotted request for the grant and that is done in all braches of the government. So if we stand up and get together with our government officials to say no more, we want stand for it.
In the same breath I must give a big thank you to Upson County, GA Government because they cut the county budget and gave back to the Upson county taxpayers 2.3 or 3.2 million to save their taxpayers in their county. Great job Upson County and may every other county do the same. If so, how many millions of dollars would we save and how much would it give back or save our taxpayers who are actually the ones paying for these government tricks that goes on every fiscal year end. Contact your City, County, state and Federal elected officials and make them look into this in their offices and let's show them we have had enough. This is my opion and I welcome yours.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Congrats to Deidre Lawrence from Stubby's and FUN 101

Congratulations to Deidre Lawrence of Speedi-Lube in Thomaston for winning the second "Stubby's Hot Wings 30 piece party tray on FUN 101 FM. Next week is the Super Bowl 45 tray with 50 wings, veggies and dressings. Email me to get in the contest at and good luck!


Sunday, January 23, 2011

Super Bowl set for 2011!

Did you think that in the start of the playoffs these were the two teams that would be in the Super Bowl? No, you did not so don't say that's who I picked in the beginning because you are not telling the truth. No way you would have said the Packers and Steelers would be there so don't even say you did. Now I want every team and their fans to watch the Steelers and Packers who will travel with a huge fan base. NFL fans take note how it is done from these two teams. Let's get other teams fans to travel like this with your teams. That is one good reason that it is these two teams in the bowl. Besides the point that in winter in the north where these two teams are from, who would not want to leave and head south?

Stubby's Hot Wing Funtest was FUN! Next week we do it again!

I had some emails come in on the last hour on Friday that were so funny about people wanting to win a tray of 30 hot wings that I was laughing on air. Congratulations to Sherry Holley from Thomaston who won the Stubby's Party Tray on Friday the 21st. Remember that all the names from last week and all new emails that come in will get your name in the contest. This Friday we will be giving another 30 wing tray away and Northside Superette will throw in some goodies like chips and drinks as well I think. So make sure to email me to enter you in the Funtest for the Stubby's Hot Wing tray give-away.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Stubby's Hot Wings Give-away!

That is right! The next three weeks I will be given away one thirty wing this week, one thirty wing tray next week and one fifty wing tray for the Super Bowl Weekend. Now you have to listen each day to find out how to win your thirty wing tray  this week and next week from Stubby's Hot Wings in Thomaston. Stubby's has the best wings you can find anywhere and I will be giving them away for three weeks. Besides having the best hot wings around they have eleven different types of wings, chicken strips, nuggets and more with a large selection of sides to complete your meal. Stubby's Hot Wings and FUN 101 FM bring you the 2011 Hot Wing Give-away with Sarge in Charge from 3-6 pm, Monday - Friday.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Auburn, I guess you get what you pay for!

After all we are in America and in America if it seems like a deal to good to be true then it probably is. Cam Newton is leaving to go to the NFL only after he spent one year at Auburn. Now I am like every other football fan, but it turns out you did pay money for Cam Newton now after everything you have won this year, that just adds salt to the wound now he is leaving. I wonder if that is the way he will do in the pros? Will he get picked by a team and then after getting the big money will he up and leave that team or pout until he is traded like some of the others do in the NFL. Either way I hope we don't find out that Auburn paid for him because this would make then look even dumber than we expected if they paid him and then he leaves them after one year. After all we are in America and you get what you pay for here.
This is my opinion and I welcome yours,

When will we find a cure!

Why do we let this keep hurting our families and especially our children? I played a song for a little 6 year old boy, Bronzon Peugh, who went to the doctor Wednesday to get a mole removed only to find out it was cancer. At this time he is on his way to the hospital for surgery on his cancer and his mother called me this morning to let me know he said the song I played for him was his own song, and he will play it all the time.But when will we find a cure?
We have the best doctors in the world and we can not cure cancer. I am so tired of losing or hearing about other people losing their loved ones to cancer. Yeah we are beating it more today but we are not stopping it due to a cure. Let's get on the band wagon and solve this problem now, not later.
The song I am talking about is called "Drive It Away" by Erica Nicole. It was wrote by Rebecca Single and she is a breast cancer survivor who had a double masectomy and total recontructive surgery and survived, but why are we letting our women and men go through this. Let's Get A Cure Now! You can find the cd at most anywhere that sells cd's or you can get it from her website at . Buy it and give it to that special friend or family member of yours and let Erica help make a bad sickness feel a little better.
That's my opinion and I welcome yours,
Scott Sargeant

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Snow and Ice in Georgia and it turned out...

... not so bad. Hear me out, yes there was a lot of streets and highways in very bad condition but there was also a lot of streets and highways that were cleaned up and allowed us to move pretty good instead of the entire metro area being closed for a week. I will admit that we are not known for being able to handle snow and ice, but GADOT and the counties for the most part did a very good job.

As compared to what use to happen, I would say they improved dramatically. Great job to all the road, power, county and state employees for a job well done.

BCS National Championship not so special huh!

I can't help it, I listen to all the talk about these high powered offenses and the game was boring. Let's face it, we all know that we have not heard the last of the CAM Newton story and I think the championship would have been better if we all knew that the Heisman and National Championship would not be getting pulled. I think that they should have handled this situation the right way during the season and not wait until the trophy has been giving out and the national champions have been crowned.

ESPN made several statements during and after the game on how he had no knowledge of his father asking for money and that has never been proven that he did ask for money. First of all, he admitted asking for it on ESPN, you are looking smart now, and then they said at the end of the game how it has not been proven and that they were sure that Cam did not know about it. Right, who has a father asking for money for them to play at a college and the kid does not know. How dumb do you really think your listeners are?

Second, the rule states if you or anyone acting on your behalf or anyone representing you ask for money to play college a sport is against the rules of the NCAA. Notice, nowhere in the line does it state if you the player has the knowledge of it, it just says if you or someone acting on your behalf or representing you. I know this is going to turn out to be just like the USC deal and we hope it does not take that long. I am sure the NCAA and the SEC did not want to do anything to ruin the game but if you come back later and take it all away, then you did ruin it.

There is a lot of companies who will miss out on a lot of money right now so they will not be doing anything for some time so the video company, book company, video game company, major sports advertisers and so on and so on, can still make the money from all the National Champions DVD, Book, Games, and such can still make their money. Then in a few years they will come back after CAM Newton and his father are multi-millionaires can say yeah we did it and we can leave football now because we have the largest church in the free world and my son does not have to be getting hit anymore every Sunday and laugh in the face of the NCAA.

Get rid of the BSC and get a playoff and make it like every other sport. What, you can't do that due to the bowls not making enough money? How is this for your bowl games, this year in a lot of the bowl games there were so many seats empty that could have been full with a playoff type atmosphere, they would have possibly shown a profit.The college football bowl games have no meaning when you have a powerhouse like Oklahoma playing U-Conn, WOW! Let's get back to the big teams playing the big teams and if the WAC, MAC, or whoever wants in they can play to a championship and a big time bowl, not slide in because of the winner of a conference who the entire conference could not beat Kentucky of the SEC or should I say Ole Miss, UGA, Fla, or Tenn this year but you get my drift.

Oh Yeah, one more thing, why not have the Heisman Trophy giving out after the Championship instead during the season because if it was this year, Mr. Luck out shined everyone in the bowl games.

This is my opinion and I welcome yours. By the way, if we don't stop all the illegal immigrants coming in our country, we will be playing soccer barefooted soon instead of football because when an illegal immigrant can file a law suit for workman's comp in our country and he tells the Judge and Jury he is here illegally and they allow him to file a suit instead of hauling out of the country in an orange suit, we have no guts left at all. It happened right here in Georgia so don't blame anyone but ourselves.

Monday, January 10, 2011

ESPN, how are you going to apologize?

You made fool out of yourselves when you absolutely wrote off the Seahawks and talked all week about how great the Saints are and how they were going to win.You talked about how they are using this Saturday game as a practice. You gave the Seahawks no chance to win and the Saints were terrible. You talked about how Drew Brees would carve them up and it would not even be a game and instead they got blown away. They tried to come back after getting ripped apart, but you never gave the Seahawks a chance. I hope you learned a lesson by not giving teams the respect they deserve for being in the playoffs.

You do the same thing with the Atlanta Falcons and you guys are suppose to the experts in football and every other sport. You should buy a lot of ketchup to go with all the crow you will be eating. Just remember, this is the way so many people get their sports information and they take to heart what your announcers say. So much for ESPN being the best place to get your sporting news. Wonder how much you just cost the people in Vegas. Wonder how happy they are after watching your broadcast and I am sure they were using some of your information when they set the odds for this game. How happy are all these guys with ESPN.

Maybe before you give a victory to a team somewhere, you should leave the option that the other team might win. You have been wrong in so many bowl games this year and your announcers have not seen how there is so many teams evenly matched and in today's times anybody can beat anybody. You have made so many bad decisions as a sports program professionals when it comes to leading people in the right choices in thing dealing with sports. Like when someone is in the running for a special award you guys push the hell out of it to get the people to go the way you choose. Example, a couple of years ago when the ESPN announcers talk at the end of the season on how LSU should jump the other teams out there and play in the national championship and that is all you heard on ESPN every time you turned it on until the voters did what you said, and that was wrong as well.

I hope people start to understand how stupid it is for an organization to praise someone right out of prison as possibly the NFL MVP when he has not earned that. He is a convict but with the praise ESPN has giving him this year versus all of the other great players in the league, you are teaching the kids today that it is ok to be a convict and then get out and join the NFL who has no standards at all, and you will be put on a pedestal like you are great and ESPN will praise you as a hero even if you prove how you can only play a decent game not a great game. He too has been shut down and is gone this year and let me be the one to tell you, you only talk about Tom Brady as the best player in the NFL and you will be in for a surprise for that pick too, you will see.

Learn to be the pros you are suppose to be and stop only talking about one or two players out of the hundreds who play the game because you show how one sided you are and as soon as ESPN likes someone , every single broadcast and even radio show talks about how great the one or two players are that ESPN is behind. Another thing that made ESPN so good was no matter where a college team was in the rankings, you could watch ESPN and see some highlights about your favorite teams. Now it they are not in the top 25 teams you will not hear about them or see any highlights from them playing and there is a hell of a lot more teams than the top 25.

ESPN think about what you are doing in sports because you are loosing viewers everyday to FOX and other shows because they are not bias and they give real breakdowns and highlights of a lot of games. Get back to being the sports leader instead of a cheer leading squad for one or two teams all year. Fox sports gives more highlights and better coverage than the ESPN sports leader who only is concerned with bringing in announcers who played college or pro football and could not make it anywhere else in the real world so they all work on ESPN because most never went back to college and graduated. You are not as smart in sports as you think. Your crow would be better when you cook it on the grill.

Friday, January 7, 2011

NFL Draft, it's the kids choice!

All you hear on ESPN is talk about the NFL draft and how one guy decided to stay in college instead of coming out early and being the #1 pick. I think that should be up to the kids to choose and not ESPN. I am proud of Mr. Luck for staying at Stanford because what ESPN does not realize is that he not only wants to get his degree, but Stanford has a lot invested in him and maybe he wants to repay Stanford for thier investment in him.

I personally feel that the kids should not be able to play in the pros unless they have graduated from college. That would mean that you would have more college student athletes working and getting a degree so then after 5 to 10 years from now and after playing in the NFL they would be able to get another job and be able to save and prosper with the money that they making in the pros. The NFL is not going to even think about that because they all praise an ex-con at quarterback or every other position on the field. NFL (the No Fault League) is a business and as long as your are not put away for life and you might play a good football game, you will always have a chance in the NFL.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Climbing the charts and FUN 101 friends!

Of course, Zac Brown is going big time right now where everything he touches turns to gold, and his lead guitarist Coy Bowles being a great friend to FUN 101 is also a lot of fun. Now Erica Nicole has had the number one song on Clear Channels "Top 10 New Artist" list for like seven weeks with "Somebody Like Me" and our good friends Badhorse's new song "Mississippi Rain" is charging straight up the charts. It is really cool to watch someone you really know doing so well. Visit all of these guy's and gal's websites and keep buying there music to keep them climbing the charts. Erica and Badhorse, I am very proud of what you are doing, keep it up and good luck in the future.

Coming soon, our annual recruiting show on Fun 101

Find out where all the surrounding high school players are going to and who they have to choose from going to college. We will have a list of local athletes that are getting offers from all around especially in the Southeast. We will have it all for you right here on FUN 101.1 FM and online at . Listen to our shows to find out when it will be on and find out where all the great football players in your area are going. Do you have inside information on one of your guys at your school? be a call in to the show or send the info to us and we will give you the credit for the information or we will give the information without saying who it is from if need be.

Great Ga Weather?

Sunny and 60 today with a low of 25 tonight and a high of 65, then back to a low of 41 to a high of 47 and rainy. Then low of 26 and a high of 70,  and we wonder why Georgian's have a higher rate of the flu than any other state. Our new motto for our state, "Georgia, if you don't like our weather, wait five minutes and it will change". I started keeping a pair of shorts, jeans, short sleeve and long sleeve shirts along with a windbreaker and a heavy coat in my truck to keep up with the Georgia weather. What is going on here? Oh yeah, I know, Global warming right? I wore shorts on New Years! What's up with that?

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Good show today and enjoyed it

Fun times on FUN 101 and you are welcome to come be a part of it. Just call the request line at 706-647-7121 which is also the contest line. You can make a request on here during the day as well.

Let me know if there...

... is some song you are wanting to hear. With a huge playlist, we probably have the song you are wanting to hear. You have to comment on here to let me know what your song is. Also, let me know if there is something you like or dislike about the show. One of the things I love about the show is being able to give things away on air and people love to win stuff. If you are a business and you want to give something away on air, especially if you are an customer of ours, just let me know. Maybe once a month you give away a membership to your business, free meal, discount on products, t-shirts, hats, key chains, or a special gift from your gift shop. Whatever you want to give away, just contact me and let me know what you are talking about by email: and we will talk about it. You might be a body shop, car dealer, restuarant, car wash, computer company, sporting goods, or even a babysitter. Just contact me and we will come up with something great to do each day, week, month or year. Let's make 2011 a FUN and a FUN 101.1 year.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Lucky Tag Number Contest on FUN 101 from Thomaston Ford

Be listening everyday on FUN 101.1 FM or on at 7:30 AM with "Mick in the Morning", Monday through Friday and you will hear a tag number called out. If it is your tag number then call Thomaston Ford by 10:00 AM and identify that as your vehicle and you win $25. It's that easy, and if you have a Thomaston Ford sticker on your car you get an additional $50. There is every reason to listen to FUN 101.1FM at 7:30 AM everyday. Free Money just for having a vehicle. If you don't have a Thomaston Ford Sticker on the back of your vehicle, go by and see them and they will put one on in just a few seconds for free, yes FREE.The winning tag number is also posted in Thomaston Ford everyday as well. OH YEAH, if nobody wins today, the $25 rolls over to the next day until Friday which ends the week. Then Monday will start over with a new week and they roll over until Friday. GOOD LUCK to everyone and let's have some fun.

Computers Make Our Lives Today

Today the computers make our world and we need to stay up with technology. I try to stay up to date on a lot of it. My friends at Ben's Hobby Computers in Zebulon, GA handle all my computer upgrades, software installs if there is a problem and they installed my Windows 7 which i love. If you ned anything to do with computers just call Ben's at 770-567-9999 no matter where you are and they can ship it to you. They have such great deals and they will build one with what you want in a computer or what you need. They have all the screens to choose from and the cool thing is the rebuild computers and you can get fantastic deals on new or used desktops or laptops. They all come with a warranty. They also come to your home or business so when you need one or work on one, call Ben's and you can send me a comment on good they did for you. Tell them Scott sent you and they will really take care of you. Also, I am a Beta Tester for Internet Explorer 9 and you will not believe what all it does and the best thing is it uses 90 to 100 percent of your computers capabilities instead of what your are using now, which is about 10 to 12 percent. As soon as it becomes available, download it and enjoy.

Nothing Sweet About The Sugar Bowl

Ark was bad, Ohio State was bad, someone had to win this game. It is a shame that the BCS thought that this is the best we could do for the Sugar Bowl. I remember when it was a huge thing to go to the Sugar Bowl and you played your heart out. That drive was not in these players in this game. Pryor just trotted when he ran the ball, being lazy. He could have a heck of a lot more in yards himself but I guess he was being cool, huh. He reminded me of a teenaged little girl after the game pouting how his foot hurt and having players miss the fun of the win having to carry him around.  ATL Falcons, pass on him if he is there in your pick for the draft. I would have benched him when I saw his lazy play style. Give it your all when you hit the field guys, that is what you are supposed to show the kids watching you play. Be an example for the kids, instead of thinking you are so great you can just coast and get some yards with out working hard. NFL teams should really think about that when looking at players like him. Mallett, you are not the QB we thought you were either. You got pressured and made very bad throws under pressure. Bad game all around, but there was some players working hard but it was not the receivers for Ark. because they could not catch a cold. Just a little insight on the game. If you missed the game, congrats to you.

Listen today to win!

Hello and let me introduce myself, I am the afternoon drive DJ on FUN 101.1 FM and you can listen online at everyday. Today I have some tickets to the Ritz Theatre for the Jan 6, 2011 show of the Elvis tribute. I will be giving away a FUN 101 t-shirt today and I will have several Budweiser products to give away before long so be ready and call in to win at 706-647-7121.